
Training with White Label begins from your very first meeting with us. We start by working with you to discover the best coffee for your business and from there, the knowledge sharing never stops! Depending on your specific needs our training and support continues with you as your team grows and new skills become in demand. 

If you are a cafe franchise model, we craft training programs tailored to the spread and size of your staff group. With today’s world we are looking to embrace high quality remote training as well, with expert help on hand. 

got a question regarding training?

an outline to our barista training

  1. Keep Espresso equipment clean, especially steam wands and grinder hopper
  2. Have three cloths in place: Steam Wand, Bench & Group Handles
  3. Keep Coffee chemical, blind filter, group head brush, and paint brush handy
  1. Knock used coffee into waste tube. Coffee ‘puck’ should be firm and dry when discarded
  2. Dry filter basket before dosing
  3. Grind coffee fresh as required
  4. To achieve the correct dose of ground coffee in the filter basket:
    Fill filter basket with coffee until you achieve a low mound of loose coffee
    Tap the handle on the bench TWICE to consolidate the coffee
    Coffee must be level with rim of filter basket – remove mountains, fill valleys
  5. Tamp Coffee firmly & evenly, with approximately 15kg pressure. Ensure coffee surface is level
  6. Wipe rim of filter basket and flush the group head  before inserting group handle
  7. Immediately press the button after inserting group handle to avoid burning coffee
  1. 30ml extraction should be achieved in 25-30 seconds
  2. Coffee should extract like pouring honey, with a caramel coloured crema
  3. If coffee only drips from group handle spout, the grind is too fine. Coffee will taste burnt
  4. If coffee pours too quickly (less than 25 seconds), the grind is too coarse
  5. Move grinder collar in small increments either to fine up or coarsen grind accordingly
  6. While coffee is pouring, start texturing the milk
  1. Only use as much fresh, cold milk/mylk as you need for the coffees on order. Never reheat milk.
  2. Purge steam wand before & after steaming
  3. Wipe steam wand with designated cloth immediately after texturing
  4. Steam milk to correct temperature (65-72 degrees). Too hot to touch jug for more than 1 second
  5. Milk must be textured to a ‘glossy paint like’ consistency 
  1. Tap the jug  firmly on the bench to remove any bubbles, and swirl the milk before pouring
  2. Split the milk – pour one third of the milk into another cup. This is known as ‘The Head’
  3. Pick up cup and tilt it towards the jug. Pour into the centre of the crema
  4. Move stream of milk in circular motion twice, then lower jug to get spout of jug as close as possible to crema. A white centre will emerge through the crema. Wiggle the jug gently to create ripples in the crema. As coffee level reaches the top of the cup, raise the jug and ‘cross out’ white centre to create a heart shape.
  5. Pour ‘The Head’ of milk back into the jug and pour your second coffee.
  6. Get the coffee out to the customer as soon as possible once it has been prepared. Enjoy

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